Who are we marketing this device to?

This device is going to be marketed towards physical therapists to be used on patients. Our target patients are active subjects that sustained a knee injury requiring surgery. 


Physical therapists are usually in charge of their patients’ recovery. Our device will be another tool in their arsenal for improving their patients’ rehabilitation. If remote monitoring is more conducive to the patient’s lifestyle, the PT can choose to use our device on them. It is expected that if this device is marketed towards physical therapists, they can decide whether or not they like the device and use it on many of their patients. 

How are we marketing our device?

While there are a few devices available that measure range of motion, there are no current devices on the market that measure strength data. By having this added feature to our device, it will seem more appealing to physical therapists. Currently, physical therapists need to see their patients in person and often measure the patients’ muscle strength by hand. Our device will negate the need for weekly physical therapy meetings and offer remote monitoring of patient rehabilitation data. 

How are we going to make money?

Selling the device as a one-time purchase, while having a monthly subscription fee on technical support and the software similar to other commercially available body data sensing devices.